Parents are frequently interested in gathering information that can help guide their decisions on how to best parent their children. They look for information that is reliable and can help them to better understand what is typical for their child. For example, parents may have concerns about their child’s developmental milestones or how their child responds to a stressful situation.

The American Psychological Association (APA) has provided information to psychologists, educators, and parents for many years. When you visit, you will find a list of topics that include but are not limited to: anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism, shyness, bullying, parenting, etc. is an online resource center for behavioral science-based information on children, youth and families and was developed by leaders of seven divisions of the APA. This website focuses on Healthy Development for children, youth, and their families and is comprised of four main components: Body, Emotions, Mind, and Relationships.

Please remember that these resources are available to parents, but are not a substitute for professional intervention.



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